Spring wedding popular bouquet, bridal bouquet with peonies and tulips flower and wedding boutonniere, wedding corsage
Flower bridal bouquet of pink peonies and white tulips can be yours to have on your wedding day!
This peonies wedding bouquet is shown at 9" in diameter. popular The handle is wrapped in blush ribbon with pearls brooch.
The silk flowers are
white and pink colour.
This bouquet can be accompanied by a boutonniere for the groom.
This wedding boutonniere is 4" in diameter, high 6" and has special pin. The handle is wrapped in blush ribbon.
This boutonniere for the groom is combined with the bride's bouquet.
You can select this bouquet, with or without a boutonniere.
9" diameter is a standard bridal bouquet.
If you want a wedding corsage or bridesmaid bouquet 7" diameter, you can order. But contact me first.
Thank you! Best wishes and congratulations on your wedding!!
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