WHITE, PURPLE Wedding Bouquet, Purple Anemone, White Real Touch Flowers, PURPLE Bridal Brooch Wedding popular Bouquet Boutonniere Roses
This is a stunning bouquet...I just love it; I combined white silk anemone, white silk hydrangea and real touch open roses, accented with beautiful purple high quality brooches, two distinctive purple anemone flowers and faux purple berries and lavender accents.
The bouquet is finished with purple tulle under the flowers and ivory satin ribbon with french twist knots and purple pin accents.
This gorgeous Real Touch White and Silk anemone Purple Brooch Wedding Package includes:
1 BRIDAL BOUQUET- 9" wide in diameter x 14" in length
1 GROOM BOUTONNIERE- created with a Real Touch white open rose with purple accents
If you would like this package with different colors or with a different wrapped handle, please convo me for a custom order. It would be my pleasure to assist you in creating your perfect wedding package.
Other items available to correspond with this bouquet include corsages, boutonniere, bridesmaid bouquets and centerpieces.
Just convo me with your requests.
See what my brides are saying about their bouquets:
" I cannot tell you enough how gorgeous this bouquet is! Liz Falcone has a God given talent! It arrived in a very timely manner and was very well packaged. I am ultra impressed with the care she took in making this elegant bouquet,the grooms boutineer matched perfectly and she even sent us a wedding card! If you want high quality and excellent service please use Liz in your future planning. I give her FIVE stars!" by Serena B.
" Liz Ann was great to work with. She created a beautiful bouquet! It was exactly what I wanted. It was packed so nicely when it was shipped, not a petal was out of place. I highly recommend Liz Ann Falcone and her work to any one. She is very talented! " by Kim D. popular