Popular Sunflower and Roses Wedding Bouquet, Orange Gold Sunflowers Bouquet, Sunflower Cascade Bouquet, Orange and Purple Roses Bouquet
Bridal Cascading / Teardrop Bouquet is design with purple & orange roses, orange/gold sun flowers, purple /yellow iris flowers, and green foliage.
It measures approx. 10" across and 16" long.
I can also create a customized set for you. Additional bouquets, corsages, and bouts available.
Matching Centerpieces are sold separately, it is design with purple & orange roses, orange/gold sun flowers, purple /yellow iris flowers, and green foliage. set in popular a round ceramic vase.
Est. height 6" tall x 9" wide.
Please ask about shipping.
Please email me prior to purchase. Please allow 1-2 weeks for shipping since it would be made from scratch for you.
Shipping is worldwide. It would be insured at no extra cost in the USA.
Thanks for looking...........