CHOOSE RIBBON COLOR - White Rose Bouquet, Purple Bellflower, Purple Flower, popular Bridal Bouquet, Real Touch Bouquet, Wedding, Baby's Breath, Fern
Keep your wedding flowers forever!
This is a popular listing for a bouquet made with REAL TOUCH full-bloom white roses, two-tone purple silk bellflowers, purple silk poppy blooms, real touch baby's breath and silk ferns. I only use the best real touch flowers.
This bouquet is approximately 9 inches in diameter. The handle is finished with satin ribbon and a multi-layer bow.
Please choose the ribbon color you would like wrapped on the bouquet handle and used for the bow. (The ribbon on the handle in the photo is bridal white.)
*The ribbon color choices are the most popular colors. I have many more options so please contact me if you need a different color.
Matching/coordinating pieces in my shop:
9-inch real touch white rose, silk two-tone purple bellflower, silk purple poppy, real touch baby's breath and silk fern bouquet & boutonniere set:
9-inch real touch white rose, silk two-tone purple bellflower, silk purple poppy, real touch baby's breath and silk fern bouquet:
White rosebud and silk two-tone purple bellflower boutonniere:
**My turnaround time is between 2 weeks and 6 weeks, depending on time of year and stock. Please message me if you are in a rush.
These real touch roses come in a variety of colors; message me for details.
I can make any custom bouquet and/or boutonniere for you, so convo me to get started!
Thanks for visiting my shop!
**Please enter your wedding/event date in the notes section upon checkout!